segunda-feira, 16 de julho de 2007

banda sonora para o velhinho lá no céu

segunda-feira, 16 de julho de 2007

And if I have to go, will you remember me?
Will you find someone else, while I'm away?

There's nothing for me, in this world full of strangers
It's all someone else's idea
I don't belong here, and you can't go with me
You'll only slow me down
Until I send for you, don't wear your hair that way

If you cannot be true, I'll understand

Tell all the others, you'll hold in your arms

That I said I'd come back for you
I'll leave my jacket to keep you warm

That's all that I can do

And if I have to go, will you remember me?
Will you find someone else, while I'm away?

«If I have to go», Tom Waits, Orphans: Bawlers, 2006

Um grande sorriso e piscadela de olho lá para cima

1 had an opinion:


Ele devolve com o sorriso dele, como quando fazia alguma asneira e achava graça :P

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